
Mmmmm I love Dream in Color Starry yarn. It is so super smooshy. I actually love all of their yarn I have tried. The reddish color is In Vino Veritas held doubled. The fabric is super duper squishy and nice. Because of the silver it doesn’t feel that great knitting~ being honest here~ but the knitted up version at this gauge is great. I have knit myself a pair of socks out of this yarn and it is, again because of the silver, a bit scratchity on my feet but in a nice sturdy way not a get em off get em off way. I certainly feel like the socks are sturdier than my merino or merino/cashmere socks and they have a lot more body and stitch definition than most of my other socks. Definitely a winning yarn from a winning dyer

In the background there is the remainders of the Jaeger Shetland Aran, long discontinued, used for the pair of Toasts I mentioned earlier in the week. They are finished. Just in time since the intended recipients birthday party is today. The red is also for a pair of Toasts also a gift for one of my daughter’s friends. I am looking forward to knitting for myself and my own family soon. Anyway here is a picture of the finished Toast:

yarny days and knitterly evenings 😉