Well Really! I get thrice as many hits per day when I am NOT blogging than when I am. Do you guys just come check the site several times a day hoping for a note? Eh I do that with Nanette and Lisa and almost died when Wendy went on vaca last summer. Thats when I stopped reading her blog. I couldn’t handle the annual vacation. Hey guess what? It’s picture time! Yah yah yah I coulda shown it to you last week. I am still working on the front with a whopping 6 rows til underarm shaping begins. Doesn’t it look like one of those busting buzzzzzomin bavarians? Sure it does. Black ribbing {cling cling cling} and low cut square neckline. OOOOO BBBaby. I wonder who I can pawn this one off on. I can tell this is going to be unwearable. All those ribs. What was I thinking?
TTFN knitbuds