Just Like A Butterfly

Yep thats me–flitting from project to project. And unlike me cause I am oddly disatisfied with everything. The hussy wear I showed you yesterday hasn’t been touched. The Hoxbro tunic from cover of IK is still eh. I may break down and show it to you tomorrow. Tonight another project I have been flirting with:Faina’s Scarf. Now I have some cream colored alpaca in the fingering to sport weight called for in pattern. Some vintage 80’s Unger Precious[I think] stash stuff and this loverly pattern. Since I took the Lorna’s Laces stuff off my do it before all else shelf I subbed an equal yardage of various scarf-y type patterns and yarns. Now I am allergic kinda to alpaca. Angora definitely-alpaca bothers me sometimes. Silly me is insistent on the alpaca so only a few rows here and there. For about a month. How far along am I? Row 80 outta 425. This from the gal that whizzes through shawls. The pattern is throwing me for a loop. The yarn is tickling my nostrils. My stitches look as if I was a 6yr old on first project. And the needles are curly. Grinch grinch grinch. But it certainly is a loverly pattern. Judge for yourselves:


By and by before I say adious amigas…. I noticed today while blog hopping that several folks are either tackling or mentioning the too good to knit with yarn. I admit I too have a yarn that is ‘too nice’ to use mentality. And such a sad thing to think that way. Yarn, after all, has a raison d’etre[somebody will tell me how to put accents up one day til then forgive me] namely to be used. Tho finding beauty in something can be a virtue; purpose and usefulness are, at the end of the day, far more valuable than looks. Let’s use our yarn instead of beating ourselves up for not being good enough//worthy knitters. OK?

Adious Amigas