
2:38AM Monday morning and I am done. Pretty pretty pretty yes? The yarn is Colinette Giotto in colorway Fruit Coulis. Sorry for the radio silence Friday btw. I stayed up all night Tursday and then went furniture shopping. When I got home at 3:30 I was dead to the world and crashed. I had a great weekend anyways. I received my shawl kit and pattern Friday and Saturday morning I got my invite to join FiberR.O.A.K The group was closed due to a cap of 100 members and that was upped to 150. Apparently there were 30 people on a waiting list[counting moi] so rush on down and sign up if you read the we are closed and didn’t sign up. 20 spaces left woo hoo!

Have a great yarny day you alls. I am gonna clean and generally putz around.