Its been a busy 3 days. Friday the girls were out of school and I took Zoe to the Drs followed by another Dr appt on Saturday to check up on causes for her low lung capacity. This was very worrisome for me esp given that my mum has been admitted to hosp 3 times in past few months for chest pains. Not a heart attack but an unknown decreased lung capacity. 30% last test and they kept telling us it was a miracle she woke up and came in since she could just as easily stopped breathing in her sleep. Finally she was diagnosed with asthma. Zoe is too ill for them to determine the reasons and we are doing 5 meds to decrease the wheezing and other stuff so that she is testable.
Suffice it to say I have not felt much like knitting. I did finish my mitt and got halfway through the second before I realized I had either cast on one less st or lost one during the knitting. Its been ripped. I also finished the deap border of my black shawl and I get to decide how I want to attach the edging. For some reason every pattern I have done lately has one CO the edging sts and attach on even numbered rows which necessitates cutting the shawl yarn and having another end at outer edges. Bothersome. I always have to fiddle with how to not cut the shawl yarn and CO and be working towards the shawl[and attaching] on odd numbered rows. I’m not up to it right now. Lisa did have a discussion last week on life stuff in blogs–the pros and cons. I hope nobody minds my mentioning my baby’s health woes. It does explain why there has been no knitting progress to show and my relative silence as of late.
Til tomorrow knitfans–knit a row for me please.