It’s A Pix

You are 13% geek
OK, so maybe you ain’t a geek. You do, at least, show a bit of interest in the world around you. Either that, or you have enough of a sense of humor to pick some of the sillier answers on the test. Regardless, you’re probably a pretty nifty, well-rounded person who gets along fine with people and can chat with just about anyone without fear of looking stupid or foolish or overly concerned with minutiae. God, I hate you.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

Hey I like Drew….

I am oddly disatisfied with anything I pick up to knit but don’t know what else to do. Actually working on a sock which I am considering hidious but my toes are chilled so feh. Swatched for the long neglected IK Hoxbro sweater–anybody remember that one from this spring? Can’t find a color combo I am liking so cogitating on what it is about the sweater I want. Also ROAK-ed a couple of gals and I cannot remember who which is just tooooo freaking random. I worked hard not to send stuff to people I normally read or chat with on various lists because I suspect that people do send stuff to e-buddies just cause. Anyway too random cause I want to check their blogs and see if they liked their gifties but I have just surfed the entire ring and cannot figure out who the recipients were. I’m a duffus. Does that make up for not being an entire geek?

Thanks for the Zoe support. She goes in this afternoon for another appt and then on 23rd. Maybe more between. She is looking and sounding much better ;^>