I am expecting some work today and tomorrow so will be busy busy bee soon enough. Until then I am trying to clear off my knitting plate. Here is the Irish Hiking Scarf aka stealth knitting project done in some stash yarn. I only had a foot or two left over yarnwise and it is a bit short but I am not measuring until post wash. I suspect it will relax a teeny bit. If not eh its long enough for me so certainly more than long enough for Ms. Zoe. After finishing weaving in ends of the scarf I bit the bullet and started the edging of the much ignored black shawl. It is trucking right along and I hope to have pictures by this time next week at latest. Ya ya ya work coming in today and tomorrow but a couple of repeats-8 rows of 5-9 sts each a day it should be done in no time ;^>
Wanna see something super cute? Sure you do. I absolutely positively HAVE to get these. Too freaking cute.
TTFN knitbuds have a great yarny day and knitterly evening.