A scarf update and more mail

So you thought I hadn’t posted today because I failed to meet my scarf/day goal? Silly mortal. Just kidding. The scarves for the vest are small~ 2.5″ wide by 14″ tall for the first one which I did finish last night quite easily. Here is a picture:


I think its upside down in the picture but I didn’t feel like rotating it again after cutting out all the desktop and rotating once already. I don’t think I will be casting on for the second right away because I want to start the Artyarns one right off. The postal code was incorrect on the pkg and it took a full week to get to me plus its a simple 2 row pattern repeat which makes it good going to Drs tomorrow knitting. I wound the silk ribbon last night and ended up having to file my nails and ultra moisterize my hands. Vaseline and gloves. My hands are rough due to excema which was cleared up until the whole stomach flue fiasco. Stress makes me break out worse. The silk ribbon is narrow and reminds me of the very first sweater I ever knit from French Chic[if anybody has a copy….]which was Black and Blue Bernat Casino striped with a Spool of white silk ribbon for intarsia bits along one shoulder. I don’t knit much with cotton anymore but I do miss Casino. That particular scarf will take longer than a day to knit but I figure I can get underway long enough to know I am still getting gauge on project and then work a few inches every day while I try to keep up the scarf-a-day with the 9 scarf vest.

The benefit of posting late is we got mail! The ab fab Anmiryam read of my Maya love and took the ‘even partials” to heart and sent me this:


Leftovers from French Market bag join the two partials I already had in stash shown on right[tangerine and chartreusey pea soup green] Come On folks. I happen to know that the French Market bag was big ol knitalong fodder and I am sure somebody else has partials they can send my way. Big Mwah to Anmiryam.

Also in the mail was some yarn from Alchemy for one of Mare’s Magical Hats and a scarf. I can hardly wait to Cast On for those and I challenge you all to resist this yarny goodness:

And as if I don’t have enough work knitting lined up I just got a call from Classic Elite. I almost never say no to work so look for more yarny goodness by next Monday.

Yarny days and knitterly evenings y’all