Testing (again)


Braided Cuffs

I had an eventful year.  I was laid off in the fall of ’16 and was re-employed there this year.  I also moved this summer after about 6 years at my previous residence.  I also started working for myself as a book keeper and so I really haven’t had time for much knitting *at all*.  So little time that I have neglected Ravelry, my fellow bloggers, and everything else to do with relaxing fiber-y pursuits.

But Helen Gray Designs, aka hgd11 on Ravelry, just happened to have a new pair of wrist warmers up on the odd day that I did pop online which I hearted.  Then the next time I popped online, encouraged by the cooling weather, she had tagged me to test the pattern.  I do enjoy her little projects and have mentioned them before.  So even tho 99.99% of my my yarn is still in boxes I asked for the pattern, went through a couple of jars of shetland yarn oddments and found some promising colors.  It just so happens that the 3 colors I chose to use appear to be  part of my ever favorite Midnight Sun Tam by Sandy Blue.

Braided Cuffs against Midnight Tam

Since I am using oddments I am hoping I have enough for the mate!  The first mitt took about a weekend to complete keeping in mind I do my book keeping on the weekends and is very snug and warm.  As always clearly written and a good introduction to 2, in this case 3, colors a row knitting.  The pattern has not been released yet but should come out soon.  I will update with deets when it does.

As always yarny days and knitterly evenings

(tho this is more a wish than a reality lately)