Silky Chic Peplum~ed Pullover

OK here she is. Late. Not too late since its officially due August 1st and today is July 7th but I had planned on mailing it out say the 5th. Anyway I received bad father news yesterday and didn’t sit down to seam til oh 4 am. Haven’t been sleeping well and nothing puts one to sleep faster than mattress st. Woke up super early this morning to hear about London from a frantic mommy…. baby sis lives in the area and often spends time there. All is well and I hope all is well with our UK knitters and their families. Well I wish all were well with everybody but newscasts assure me thats not the case. Mid afternoon the phone rang again for Great grandma illness update. Depressing enough? To chear us up~ and lets face it soothing repetive motions such as knitting calm the most worried of minds~ the slightly askew FO:


Knit on through all crisis, Elka quoting EZ duh

Stick a Fork in Her

Is this a phrase? I seem to recall ‘stick a fork in it~ its done’ from somewhere. If its not pretend for my sake cause I am. Done that is. Yay me. Now I didn’t have that much to knit for TNNA this year cause I turned away work but it was still a struggle to get what little I accepted finished. And of course I had to go computerless while I struggled. I don’t even want to think about email catch up but some FO pictures for you:


Here we have the Alchemy cardigan I showed the yarn for earlier. Raglan sleeved and a dream to knit. Yummmy silk. Unfortunately the silk makes it hard to capture the cables but I will try:


Next we knit a pullover for Unique Colours:

Image405.jpg This pullover is from a new book that is gonna be called Kiddie something. Yes you read right. Kiddie. I personally cannot imagine spending the money for a childs garment but hey I am a poor type of person. You might be a rich kinda person. And amazingly the width of both of these garments is the same. Yep the same width, sleeve length, and depth from armhole to cuffs [both hem and sleeve hem] The big difference is the armhole depth. Thats OK. I have always known that grown women are supposed to be the circumference of a 5 year old. Anyway this is what I have been doing behind your backs.

yarny day and knitterly evening to all

The Man in Brown

Don’t you just love the man in brown? He always brings nifty packages. This from Unique Colours–Absolutely Fabulous Throw Kit in Antique. No due date given that I can find but gonna start winding right away. Ooooooooo can’t wait to begin! The cowl needs 10 more rounds and the socks are halfway done. Grumble grumble grumble on socks. The cowl is dreamy. Pics coming soon.